Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yes, It Is Possible to Love What You Once Hated

When I was a little girl I hated garden work. I much preferred staying in the house and cooking. I had no reason to want to plant anything at home because my mother kept everything so nice and I was constantly surrounded by nature both inside and outside of the house. Now that I'm living in a development in the second largest city in Mexico with not so much as a square foot of tillable ground, I've decided to start gardening. Here, I know that if I want anything green around me to provide fresh oxygen for my lungs the responsibility will be all mine. Unfortunately my mom is not able nor willing to fly here several times a year to make sure I am surrounded by vegetation and beauty. It's amazing how something I once hated so much can now be so rewarding. Yesterday, Fabian and I spent the day buying pots, dirt and plants. I tried to imagine how things would look in my my mind and knew that while I wouldn't be able to do it all in a day, at least I could get a good start. Little by little my container garden will grow.I was amazed that Fabian even got involved in transplanting the plants to their new home. He didn't get his hands in the dirt but he did use a shovel! He seemed to appreciate the end results almost as much as I did.
The last 2 weeks I struggled with some cultural clashes and a little bit of homesickness. However, my job teaching English is wonderful! I work 4 hours a night Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturday mornings. I spend most of the day making lesson plans but I know that with time that will be less and less. Since I work in the development across the street I only spend 3 minutes on the road driving. I'd love to walk to work every day but when classes are over it's dark and I always carry my lap top with me which seems to be a highly admired item.
This week is Holy Week and I have the entire week off work. I had hoped to do intensive lesson planning but have decided to get caught up on some things such as blogging and relaxing as well. With Easter Sunday coming I was brainstorming how I could bring Easter to Mexico since my husband's family doesn't celebrate it. Mom emailed me her recipe for pickled beets and pickled eggs that I like so much. They have somehow become a symbol of home and the holidays. I successfully made a batch last night and even convinced my sister-in-law, Mimi, to try one of these strange purple eggs. She didn't react nearly as poorly as Fabian. I still haven't been able to convince him to eat one. I'm hoping to spend some God time near my plants on Easter morning. I guess I will call it my own personal sunrise service. I need to do something to celebrate Easter. I thought about buying a chocolate bunny and chocolate eggs but found out they don't sell those in Mexico. In the future, if anyone wants to visit me, keep in mind that the week before Easter is a good week to do so since I have off. It's a good week to travel about the city but not a good week to go to the beaches or the water parks since everyone in the city leaves to enjoy their vacation in the coolness of the water. I included a picture of an octopus which was the victim of our digestive systems a few weeks back. I thought you all might get a kick out of seeing it. It was very yummy! I'm hoping to prepare another octopus when my sister, Veronica, comes to visit me in May. Well my dear family and friends, enjoy your Easter and remember me in your prayers! Please pray for Fabian's safety as his job is a very dangerous one. About 2 weeks ago the violence in the area increased. Since there is a war between the drug dealers and the police, people such as Fabian and his boss are commonly targeted. In the local area others in his position have been murdered and/or kidnapped. I am not worried nor stressed about it because I feel very confident that no matter what harm comes our way we will survive and God will use it to His glory, but I do believe he needs extra prayers for safety. Thank you for your prayers and support! I love and miss you all very much!
"The Lord will keep you from all harm--He will watch over your life: the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." -Psalm 121:7-8
Love and blessings,