January 9th 2010 I will be leaving my country, my family, friends, job and dreams to join my husband and start the next chapter of our life together in Guadalajara, Mexico. Preparing for departure is easy, but preparing for my new life is impossible. I can pack my basic belongings, spend as much time as possible with family and friends and try to help my pets transition into their new homes, but none of these acts actually prepares me for my new life. My new life in Mexico is full of unknowns. I don't know where I'll work, or who will be my friend. I don't know how often I'll be able to come back and visit or if we'll ever be stable enough to have a family. I do know however, that I must be there. I do know that I am not coming back without my husband. I do know that we will be blessed (although I'm not sure what exactly that means), and most importantly I do know that God will be there with us through it all. I thank God for the journey He's taking us on because it has taken me to a deeper place with Him than I've ever experienced. He has become my breath, my life, my joy and my friend. I have learned that I don't have to prepare myself or worry because He has already prepared the path. The more I fight and worry, the harder it is. When I finally stop struggling, things unfold without difficulty. I simply try to find Him, stay by His side and live off of His heartbeat. I assume that this move will take me even deeper in Him and I pray that Fabian and I will grow together as we grow in Him! I thank everyone for your support and prayers! They make all the difference!
Saying my goodbyes:
I've included a few pictures of SOME of the key people in my life that I am leaving behind (these are arranged in no particular order). They include my mom: Verna Ruth Rice (the most patient mother and best listener around...she has held our family together with her selflessness and has unfortunately had to endure years of stress directly caused by my finding myself...I appreciate you very much and love having tea and walking with you...you've taught me some good coping skills and remind me that I must keep myself well rested and healthy as I try to conquer the world), dad: Eugene Rice (a great doer/servant, if any of us needs help with anything, he is there, ready and willing... he's also quite amazing with my dog and cat and will be adopting them...I don't trust everyone with my animals...I have been humbled by your servitude), brother: Kevin (with whom I've lived the last several years of my life and have enjoyed hours of conversations...I'll miss our verbal problem solving sessions and pray for someone to come into your life to fill your house so it's not so empty...you have such a mixture of amazing creative and communicative gifts and would make a great husband, father and/or revolutionary leader), sister: Veronica Rice (who I almost lost this year when she was stomped on by a cow...I thank God for her life and that I was in the U.S. when the accident happened, she is the most loyal person I know and I know she will never leave me in hard times...I get teary on a regular basis as I think how close we were to losing her...I feel ultra protective of you as a result because you fill a space in my life that no other human could ever fill...I will continue to give you hugs and affection whether you like it or not), Grandma & Pappy Rice (they have taught me what love and humor are...my pappy is a gentle man who laughs a lot and makes others laugh; my grandma is someone I can comfortably cry with...she has taught me fairness and recognizes that every day of life is a gift from God), Grandma Catherine Long (a strong, praying woman who challenges everyone with the question, "Do you love Jesus?" and is looking forward to the day Jesus takes her...I think we can all learn something from her boldness), and my Aunt Cheryl Hade (who gave me a place to live for 3 years, advice that has saved me from disaster and unconditional love through all seasons of my journey...if only I could show you adequately how much you mean to me...every person should have a mentor in their life besides their parents for those seasons when parents and children are not able to speak without emotions running high).