Monday, March 18, 2013

U.S. Immigration Waiver Sent: Waiting for Verdict

Today we finally got the news that our lawyer had finished our waiver of hardships and sent it to the U.S. Immigration office. That means we are in the last stretch of waiting for our verdict. According to the current processing times listed on the California Service Center this part could take up to 4 months. However, this is a relatively new process because we didn’t have to go to Ciudad Juarez to submit the waiver but rather just sent it in. I believe I’m the first one from my lawyer’s office that will be going through this new method so we haven’t seen how long it’s taken for anyone else to get their verdict yet. Let’s hope it only takes a month!

The waiting game is something we should be experts at and generally speaking I’ve been in good spirits, however, at times my heart sinks into the “hope deferred” category. My grandmother always said if you were going to sit around and mope you might as well get busy working. I think that means it never hurts to have a few distractions. Lately I’ve had many dogs to assist me in that department.

I’ve probably been closely involved in the rescue of about 8 dogs in Mexico in the past 3 years with much help from my boss who I’m sure has saved literally hundreds of dogs in her lifetime. Right now I have Houdini, a 1-1.5 year old beagle and Thor, a 7-year old Alaskan Malamute/Husky of some sort. Houdini, or “Dini” for short, was picked up outside of my development about 4 weeks ago. He was skinny, tick invested and covered with tar on his sides. We bathed him, shaved the tar out of his fur, got him neutered and handed him over to a wonderful adoptive family.

He was returned to me just 2 days later appearing to be on his deathbed. We were worried he may have distemper and unfortunately while he is doing much better now, that is still a concern. Today I got the news that another puppy I had picked up around the same time as Dini, died due to this highly contagious disease. From what I can see online, distemper can appear to be going away after antibiotics and then return with a vengeance. Only time will tell if we will have to put him down or if his health struggles are temporary.

Unlike most of the other dogs I’ve rescued, I’ve gotten a bit more attached to this one in just a short time. It has that pathetic look that I like in dogs. My sister says that my tastes in dogs are the same as my taste in men. Fabian was highly offended by what she was insinuating. ;)

Thor, the Alaskan Malamute/Husky, was found by my boss and I when we were getting Dini sterilized. I had never seen a dog so malnourished and dehydrated. I couldn’t feel any meat on his hind quarters, spine or ribs. He could barely keep his back legs straight and would stumble frequently. After one night of rest, water and all the food he could eat he improved greatly!

Kary and I share in the responsibilities of caring for him right now. I’ve been going to the school as early as 6:30 some mornings to make sure I can take him out for a walk before the day begins and the sun gets too hot. Thor has many issues and we are still uncertain of his future as well. If we can’t get him in good enough shape to be adopted by someone he may remain the school mascot since he loves people and people love him.

I assume my next blog entry will contain the verdict of our long immigration adventure. I’ve always had it in my head that we would be home by June. That sounds a bit quick to me now but it marks our 9 year anniversary of being together and 7 year wedding anniversary. Let’s see if our wishes come true! Thank you so much for all of your support through the years and the prayers that have kept us both alive and sane: even if at times it has felt as though we were just hanging on by a thread to both!

Love and blessings,


P.S. I should probably mention that Fabian was in another motorcycle accident in December. The accident was not his fault but he was not wearing a helmet. He says that he “remembered to keep his head up” as he fell. Luckily he only suffered two fractures in his collarbone and an injury to his knee. He was off work for about a month and a half but healed quickly and got back on the bike as soon as he could (I don’t know if that’s a good thing). I am always thanking God for his protection!

P.S.S. One thing I have learned in all of this is that God is my EVERYTHING. I have desires and dreams for my life but above all I know that He is most important. As long as I keep my focus on Him my heart is joyful! I want to always remember to seek Him first!

Luke 12:31- But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.